1,187 research outputs found

    Physical space description of decorated quasicrystals

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    In this paper the systematic method of dealing with the arbitrary decorations of quasicrystals is presented. The method is founded on the average unit cell formalism and operates in the physical space only, where each decorating atom manifests itself just by an additional component of the displacement density function in the average unit cell. Such approach allows us to use almost all classical crystallography algorithms for structure refining based on experimental data and may meaningly decrease the number of parameters which have to be fit. Further help for such analysis may be the use of proposed recently average Patterson function, here applied to decorated sets. As an example we present a description of a class of decorated quasicrystals based on Sturmian sequence of two interatomic spacings: we calculate explicitly structure factor, the shape of average Patterson function and give an algorithm for pattern analysis.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Some sharp inequalities for integral operators with homogeneous kernel

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    One goal of this paper is to show that a big number of inequalities for functions in L-p(R+), p >= 1, proved from time to time in journal publications are particular cases of some known general results for integral operators with homogeneous kernels including, in particular, the statements on sharp constants. Some new results are also included, e.g. the similar general equivalence result is proved and applied for 0 < p < 1. Some useful new variants of these results are pointed out and a number of known and new Hardy-Hilbert type inequalities are derived. Moreover, a new Polya-Knopp (geometric mean) inequality is derived and applied. The constants in all inequalities in this paper are sharp

    Confirmation of Lagrange Hypothesis for Twisted Elastic Rod

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    The history of structural optimization as an exact science begins possibly with the celebrated Lagrange problem: to find a curve which by its revolution about an axis in its plane determines the rod of greatest efficiency. The Lagrange hypothesis, that the optimal rod possesses the constant cross-section was abandoned for Euler buckling problem. In this Article the Lagrange hypothesis is proved to be valid for Greenhill's problem of torque buckling. The corresponding isoperimetric inequality is affirmed.Comment: 4 page

    Log-concavity and lower bounds for arithmetic circuits

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    One question that we investigate in this paper is, how can we build log-concave polynomials using sparse polynomials as building blocks? More precisely, let f=_i=0da_iXiR+[X]f = \sum\_{i = 0}^d a\_i X^i \in \mathbb{R}^+[X] be a polynomial satisfying the log-concavity condition a\_i^2 \textgreater{} \tau a\_{i-1}a\_{i+1} for every i{1,,d1},i \in \{1,\ldots,d-1\}, where \tau \textgreater{} 0. Whenever ff can be written under the form f=_i=1k_j=1mf_i,jf = \sum\_{i = 1}^k \prod\_{j = 1}^m f\_{i,j} where the polynomials f_i,jf\_{i,j} have at most tt monomials, it is clear that dktmd \leq k t^m. Assuming that the f_i,jf\_{i,j} have only non-negative coefficients, we improve this degree bound to d=O(km2/3t2m/3log2/3(kt))d = \mathcal O(k m^{2/3} t^{2m/3} {\rm log^{2/3}}(kt)) if \tau \textgreater{} 1, and to dkmtd \leq kmt if τ=d2d\tau = d^{2d}. This investigation has a complexity-theoretic motivation: we show that a suitable strengthening of the above results would imply a separation of the algebraic complexity classes VP and VNP. As they currently stand, these results are strong enough to provide a new example of a family of polynomials in VNP which cannot be computed by monotone arithmetic circuits of polynomial size

    Weighted Sobolev spaces of radially symmetric functions

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    We prove dilation invariant inequalities involving radial functions, poliharmonic operators and weights that are powers of the distance from the origin. Then we discuss the existence of extremals and in some cases we compute the best constants.Comment: 38 page

    Single machine scheduling with time-dependent linear deterioration and rate-modifying maintenance

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    We study single machine scheduling problems with linear time-dependent deterioration effects and maintenance activities. Maintenance periods (MPs) are included into the schedule, so that the machine, that gets worse during the processing, can be restored to a better state. We deal with a job-independent version of the deterioration effects, that is, all jobs share a common deterioration rate. However, we introduce a novel extension to such models and allow the deterioration rates to change after every MP. We study several versions of this generalized problem and design a range of polynomial-time solution algorithms that enable the decision-maker to determine possible sequences of jobs and MPs in the schedule, so that the makespan objective can be minimized. We show that all problems reduce to a linear assignment problem with a product matrix and can be solved by methods very similar to those used for solving problems with positional effects

    Coincidences in 4 dimensions

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    The coincidence site lattices (CSLs) of prominent 4-dimensional lattices are considered. CSLs in 3 dimensions have been used for decades to describe grain boundaries in crystals. Quasicrystals suggest to also look at CSLs in dimensions d>3d>3. Here, we discuss the CSLs of the root lattice A4A_4 and the hypercubic lattices, which are of particular interest both from the mathematical and the crystallographic viewpoint. Quaternion algebras are used to derive their coincidence rotations and the CSLs. We make use of the fact that the CSLs can be linked to certain ideals and compute their indices, their multiplicities and encapsulate all this in generating functions in terms of Dirichlet series. In addition, we sketch how these results can be generalised for 4--dimensional Z\Z--modules by discussing the icosian ring.Comment: 6 pages, conference "Quasicrystals - The Silver Jubilee

    The Duffin-Schaeffer Conjecture with extra divergence II

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    This paper takes a new step in the direction of proving the Duffin-Schaeffer Conjecture for measures arbitrarily close to Lebesgue. The main result is that under a mild `extra divergence' hypothesis, the conjecture is true.Comment: 7 page

    Синтез нечетких систем автоматического управления генетическими алгоритмами по векторным критериям в среде MATLAB

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    Задачи многокритериального параметрического синтеза систем управления сведены к задачам оптимизации векторных целевых функций, решение которых позволяет удержать процесс синтеза систем в допустимой области. Для оптимизации векторных целевых функций систем автоматического управления модифицированы бинарный и непрерывный генетические алгоритмы. Показана эффективность применения модифицированных генетических алгоритмов для синтеза систем управления путем оптимизации векторных целевых функций. Рассмотрение задач синтеза линейных и нечетких ПИД регуляторов показало, что в задаче синтеза нечеткого регулятора определяется вектор переменных параметров большей размерности, а в модели системы управления вместо линейных уравнений применяются нелинейные уравнения с использованием системы нечеткого вывода

    Calabi-Yau Orbifolds and Torus Coverings

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    The theory of coverings of the two-dimensional torus is a standard part of algebraic topology and has applications in several topics in string theory, for example, in topological strings. This paper initiates applications of this theory to the counting of orbifolds of toric Calabi-Yau singularities, with particular attention to Abelian orbifolds of C^D. By doing so, the work introduces a novel analytical method for counting Abelian orbifolds, verifying previous algorithm results. One identifies a p-fold cover of the torus T^{D-1} with an Abelian orbifold of the form C^D/Z_p, for any dimension D and a prime number p. The counting problem leads to polynomial equations modulo p for a given Abelian subgroup of S_D, the group of discrete symmetries of the toric diagram for C^D. The roots of the polynomial equations correspond to orbifolds of the form C^D/Z_p, which are invariant under the corresponding subgroup of S_Ds. In turn, invariance under this subgroup implies a discrete symmetry for the corresponding quiver gauge theory, as is clearly seen by its brane tiling formulation.Comment: 33 pages, 5 figures, 7 tables; version published on JHE